Kind Kid Jokes

So, we like to laugh…a lot. The picture here is Sawyer and                   

Kelsey making us laugh. They kept putting pretend mustaches

all over their faces, and talking in silly accents.

Now, that is funny! Even kindness can be silly. Sometimes,

making someone else laugh is the kindest thing you can do.

Speaking of funny, we came up with a few “kindness” jokes.

Let us know if you have some funny jokes!


How did the kind kid cross the street?


Why did the little girl help someone across the street?

Because kindness is kind of a big deal

Why did the kind kid give the homeless person some socks?

Because he was kind of cold

Why did the kind kid club cross the street?

Because there kind of a big deal around school

Why did the little girl help the skeleton across the road?

He was dying to see the kindness over there

Why did the boy bring ham to France/Paris?

Because they wanted to meat kind people



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